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策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Hugh C. Robertson【1844 至 1908】
创作年份公元 1893 - 公元 1911
创作地区制造于: 美国, 马萨诸塞州, 迪达姆(Made in: United States, Massachusetts, Dedham)
尺寸14 3/4 英寸, 11磅 (37.5 厘米)
介绍(中)休·C·罗伯逊从出生起就热衷于陶瓷,他以强烈的奉献精神和对实验的热情追求自己的工艺。他出身于一个受过训练的英国陶艺家家庭,在新泽西州磨练了自己的技艺,后来定居马萨诸塞州,成为切尔西Keramic艺术作品和后来的Dedham Pottery的创始人之一。罗伯逊一生对釉料的探索,尤其是釉料的颜色和质地,使他成为二十世纪之交美国艺术陶器的关键人物之一

从切尔西到戴德姆,罗伯逊继续追求他对创新的热情,他使用戴德姆餐具中使用的灰白色瓷器来制作简单的形状,上面覆盖着色彩和纹理的大胆组合。Dedham Pottery的花瓶比他们的切尔西前辈更大、更厚、更重,并且以简单、实心的形式为主。大都会艺术博物馆埃里森收藏的许多德德姆花瓶都有不同的红、绿、蓝、白釉组合,通常会有沉重的水滴滴到底部。在这个例子中,Robertson使用了几种不同颜色的釉料。1898年,《美国艺术》杂志的一位作家在谈到德德姆陶器时,可能想到了这样一个花瓶:"在高温工作中,温度在3000到4000度之间,施加于花瓶顶部的釉料像沥青一样起泡,顺着侧面流下,覆盖在表面。在这类工作中,不可能有两次相同的效果,因为在不同的烧制过程中,化学条件各不相同。"

介绍(英)Steeped in ceramics from birth, Hugh C. Robertson pursued his craft with fierce devotion and a passion for experimentation. From a family of trained English ceramists, he honed his skills in New Jersey before settling in Massachusetts as one of the founders of Chelsea Keramic Art Works and later, Dedham Pottery. Robertson’s lifelong explorations in glazes, particularly their color and texture, make him one of the key figures of American art pottery at the turn of the twentieth century.

From Chelsea to Dedham, Robertson continued to pursue his passion for innovation, employing the grayish-white stoneware used for Dedham’s dinnerware to throw simple forms covered with bold combinations of colored and textured glazes. Dedham Pottery’s vases are larger, thicker, and heavier than their Chelsea predecessors, and simple, solid forms predominate. Many of the Dedham vases in the Ellison Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art have varying combinations of red, green, blue, and white glazes, often with heavy drips descending to the base. On this example, Robertson applied several glazes of different colors. In 1898 a writer for the magazine Arts for America probably had such a vase in mind when he wrote of the Dedham Pottery: "In high-fire work the temperature ranges between 3,000 and 4,000 degrees, and the glaze applied to the top of the vase bubbles like pitch and runs down the sides, coating the surface. In this class of work it is impossible to have the effects twice alike, for at the different firings the chemical conditions vary."

This vase is from the Robert A. Ellison Jr. Collection of American art pottery donated to the Metropolitan Museum in 2017 and 2018. The works in the collection date from the mid-1870s through the 1950s. Together they comprise one of the most comprehensive and important assemblages of this material known.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。