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品名(英)Boy (one of a pair)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Niderviller【1735 至 0】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1755 - 公元 1775
尺寸高: 5 英寸 (12.7 厘米)
介绍(中)彩陶,或锡釉和搪瓷陶器,于 16 世纪首次出现在法国,在 17 世纪和 18 世纪初,在建立软膏瓷器工厂之前,在精英顾客中广泛使用。虽然法国彩陶在风格上比瓷器更省,但在路易十四的宫廷中被用作精心制作的餐点和展示的一部分,大型船只被纳入凡尔赛的巴洛克式花园设计中。法国彩陶的早期例子证明了来自意大利的maiolica艺术家的强大影响。后来的作品展示了讷韦尔、鲁昂、里昂、穆斯捷和马赛等城市如何开发创新的容器形状和装饰图案,这些图案受到整个欧洲收藏家的珍视。

虽然彩陶可以由广泛的粘土混合物制成,但最重要的是通过在釉料中添加氧化锡而实现的乳白色不透明白色。法国彩陶通常分为两种类型。Grand feu(高火)是指在大约 1650°F (900°C) 的高温下单次烧制之前用釉料和金属氧化物装饰的作品。小火(低火)彩陶,发展于十八世纪下半叶,是指在上釉并用金属氧化物装饰之前烧制粘土体,然后在较低温度下再次烧制的过程;棋子也可以经历第三次烧制。大明火作品的调色板更有限,包括蓝色、黄色、棕紫色和绿色。相比之下,小火痉的烧成温度较低,使绘画技术更加精确,颜色范围也多种多样。
介绍(英)Faience, or tin-glazed and enameled earthenware, first emerged in France during the sixteenth century, reaching widespread usage among elite patrons during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, prior to the establishment of soft-paste porcelain factories. Although characterized as more provincial in style than porcelain, French faience was used at the court of Louis XIV as part of elaborate meals and displays, with large-scale vessels incorporated into the Baroque garden designs of Versailles. Earlier examples of French faience attest to the strong influence of maiolica artists from Italy. Later works demonstrate the ways in which cities such as Nevers, Rouen, Lyon, Moustiers, and Marseille developed innovative vessel shapes and decorative motifs prized among collectors throughout Europe.

While faience can be created from a wide mixture of clays, it is foremost distinguished by the milky opaque white color achieved by the addition of tin oxide to the glaze. French faience is typically divided into two types. Grand feu (high fire) describes pieces that have been decorated with glaze and metallic oxides before being fired a single time at a high temperature of around 1650°F (900°C). Petit feu (low-fire) faience, developed in the second half of the eighteenth century, refers to a process whereby the clay body is fired before being glazed and decorated with metallic oxides and then fired again at a lower temperature; pieces can also go through a third firing. Grand feu pieces have a more limited color palette that consists of blue, yellow, brown-purple, and green. By contrast, the lower firing temperature of petit feu faience enabled both greater precision in painting techniques and variety in the range of colors.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。