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品名(英)Portions of a Crinet (Horse's Neck Defense)
策展部门武器和盔甲Arms and Armor
创作年份公元 1555 - 公元 1615
创作地区原产国: 意大利, 可能是布雷西亚(Country of Origin: Italy, probably Brescia)
分类马甲(Armor for Horse)
尺寸长 18 5/8 英寸 (47.2 厘米); 宽 14 3/8 英寸 (36.5 厘米); 重 3 磅 14 盎司 (1,765 g)
介绍(中)这件华丽的碎片,整体蚀刻和丰富的镀金,一定属于十六世纪最宏伟的布雷西亚马甲之一。它由五个板组成,形成一个最初必须由十个或更多板组成的凹槽的后半部分;盘子的不良排列表明它们不符合其原始顺序。倒置的U形板沿内侧脊压花,向后重叠的鳞片上蚀刻着叶子。每块板的侧面都以交替设计蚀刻。一种图案由栖息的鸟类、怪诞生物和裸体 putti(有翅膀和没有翅膀)的叶子卷轴组成,装饰品在普通的凹陷和镀金地面上保持白色。另一个包括对称的、垂直对齐的烛台装饰品,由花瓶或树叶、武器奖杯和支撑战士或寓言人物形象的平台组成。所有设计都镀金并在虚线地面上执行。最低的跛脚,蚀刻着两块交替图案的面板,以大胆的转动和绳索边缘结束。板块的下边缘以半圆形鳞片终止,每个鳞片都有一个绳索边缘,边缘是凹陷的带子,在虚线地面上蚀刻着叶子。鳞片的中心蚀刻着鲜花、奖杯或面具,在普通的凹陷和镀金地面上留下白色。

装饰的多样性、高质量的蚀刻和广泛的镀金使这种克里特与 16 世纪下半叶的大多数其他意大利盔甲区分开来。它与大都会博物馆的科拉尔托军械库(编号 21.139.1a-x)的布雷西亚马甲非常接近蚀刻和图案选择的风格,以及将设计组织成交替图案面板,起源于同一个车间。从马甲护尾的蚀刻鳞片中,沿着胳膊中心凸起的重叠鳞片带与马甲护尾上的蚀刻鳞片相呼应。有可能,就像博物馆的吟游诗人一样,这个crinet最初属于一个完整的盔甲,也许也有与这个人相匹配的盔甲。

唯一与crinet相匹配的其他元素似乎是布拉格附近Konopiště城堡的藏红花。Konopiště的藏品主要包括两个杰出军械库的残余物:埃斯特家族的王朝军械库,费拉拉和摩德纳公爵,以及帕多瓦附近卡塔霍城堡的Tommaso degli Obizzi军械库,其中包括Obizzi家族军械库以及Tommaso在17世纪后期收集的作品。Obizzi 收藏品包含从佛罗伦萨美第奇军械库获得的作品,分散于 1773 年至 1780 年间,于 1803 年遗赠给埃斯特;同年,新增加的埃斯特收藏通过继承传给了哈布斯堡家族。倒数第二位的主人弗朗茨·斐迪南大公于 1914 年在萨拉热窝被暗杀,他将武器和盔甲转移到他在科诺皮什捷的狩猎城堡,该城堡于 1918 年被新的捷克斯洛伐克共和国国有化。科诺皮什捷(Este)、奥比齐(Obizzi)或美第奇(Medici)的武器和盔甲来源复杂而混乱,现在很难确定藏红花及其匹配的藏红花的来源。
介绍(英)This splendid fragment, etched overall and richly gilt, must have belonged to one of the most magnificcent Brescian horse armors of the sixteenth century. It consists of five plates forming the rear half of a crinet that originally must have comprised ten or more plates; the poor alighment of the plates indicates that they are not in their original order. The inverted, U-shaped plates are embossed along the medial ridge with backward-overlapping scales etched with foliage. The sides of each plate are etched in alternating designs. One pattern consists of foliate scrolls inhabited by birds, grotesque creatures, and nude putti (with and without wings), the ornament left white against a plain recessed and gilt ground. The other comprises symmetrical, vertically aligned candelabra ornament consisting of vases or foliage, trophies of arms, and platforms supporting images of warriors or allegorical figures. All the designs are gilded and executed againts a dotted ground. The lowest crinet lame, which is etched with two panels of alternating pattern, ends with a boldly turned and roped edge. The lower edges of the plates terminate in semicircular scales, each having a roped edge bordered by a sunken band etched with foliage on a dotted ground. The centers of the scales are etched with flowers, trophies, or a mask left white on a plain recessed and gilt ground.

The variety of ornament, high quality of etching, and extensive gilding distinguish this crinet from most other Italian armors of the second half of the sixteenth century. It comes so close to the Metropolitan Museum's Brescian horse armor from the Collalto armory (acc. no. 21.139.1a–x) in the style of etching and choice of motifs, as well as in the organization of the designs into panels of alternating motifs, as to have originated in the same workshop. The raised band of overlapping scales down the center of the crinet is echoed in the etched scales on the tail guard of the horse armor. It is possible that, like the Museum's bard, this crinet originally belonged to a complete armor, perhaps with a matching armor for the man as well.

The only other element matching the crinet appears to be a shaffron in Konopiště Castle, near Prague. The collection at Konopiště comprises principally the remnants of two distinguished armories: the dynastic armory of the Este family, dukes of Ferrara and Modena, and that of Tommaso degli Obizzi, at Catajo Castle, near Padua, which included the Obizzi family armory along with pieces collected by Tommaso in the late seventeenth century. The Obizzi collection, which contained pieces acquired from the Medici armory in Florence dispersed between 1773 and 1780, was bequeathed to the Este in 1803; the newly augmented Este collections passed by inheritance into the Hapsburg family that same year. The penultimate owner, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was assassinated at Sarajebo in 1914, transferred the arms and armor to his hunting castle at Konopiště, which was nationalized by the new Republic of Czechoslovakia in 1918. The complex and confusing provenance of arms and armor at Konopiště––Este, Obizzi, or Medici––makes it difficult now to identify the source of the shaffron and its matching crinet.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。