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品名(英)Copy after a Sculpture of the Sleeping Eros Based on an Antique Model (from Cassiano dal Pozzo's 'Paper Museum')
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Giovanni Angelo Canini【1609 至 1666】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1625 - 公元 1635
尺寸8 9/16 x 12 5/8英寸 (21.7 x 32.1厘米)
介绍(中)卡尼尼的传统归属并非不可信,因为这位艺术家专门绘制了古典文物的复制品,他表达一些解剖细节(如孩子的手)的方式与他为绘画准备的绘画没有什么不同。科尔伯特为路易十四委托进行的一项雄心勃勃的古典文物收藏项目因卡尼尼之死而中断,尽管埃蒂安·皮卡特(Etienne Picart)雕刻了卡尼尼在奖牌和客串后的许多绘画作品(阿姆斯特丹,1731年)
相比之下,Eloisa Dodero(Warburg Institute-Cassiano dal Pozzo Project,London;2014年4月14日通讯)已确认大都会博物馆的画作是由Pietro Testa绘制的,并将其与以古董命名的复制品进行了比较(例如,温莎皇家图书馆8799)。然而,泰斯塔的绘图技巧比大都会博物馆的绘图或温莎的绘图证据要强大得多。此外,经过更仔细的比较,这件古董之后的复制品(温莎皇家图书馆8799)似乎并不能为将大都会博物馆的绘画也归因于同一只手提供完全令人信服的依据:它是一种更静态、更干燥的绘图手法,底座左侧有非常粗糙的垂直平行阴影,并且没有像温莎绘画中定义丘比特解剖结构的光线阴影那样的色调细微差别。无可争辩的是,这幅画是卡西亚诺·达尔·波佐(Cassiano dal Pozzo)的古董复制品的一部分。Dodero正确地添加了以下关于这一来源的重要信息:大都会博物馆的绘画中有卡西亚诺·达尔·波佐的典型"A型"坐骑,并确定地记录了它来自他的收藏。所有的"A型"装载都可以追溯到1640年以前。这幅画的卡西亚诺·达尔·波佐(Cassiano dal Pozzo)右侧有一个水印,代表一个戴着盾牌的基林人(33 x 67毫米,靠近Woodward no.26,n.d.)。另一幅复制伊特鲁里亚青铜装饰的代表两名勇士的画也出自卡西亚诺·德尔·波佐的卡塔西奥博物馆,收藏在大都会艺术博物馆(1998.327)。

介绍(英)The traditional attribution to Canini is not implausible, for the artist made a specialty of drawn copies of classical antiquities and his manner of articulating some anatomical details such as the hands of the child are not dissimilar to his prepartory drawings for paintings. An ambitious project for a corpus of classical antiquities commissioned by Colbert for Louis XIV was cut short by Canini's death, though a good many drawings by Canini after medals and cameos were engraved by Etienne Picart (Images des héros et des grands hommes de l'antiquité dessinées sur des médailles, des pierres antiques et autres anciens monuments par Jean-Ange Canini, gravées par Picart Le Romain, Amsterdam, 1731).
In contrast, Eloisa Dodero (Warburg Institute - Cassiano dal Pozzo Project, London; communication on April 14, 2014) has identified the Metropolitan Museum's drawing as by Pietro Testa, and has compared it to the copy after the antique (Royal Library 8799, Windsor), for example. Testa's draftsmanship, however, is much more powerful than the Metropolitan Museum drawing or the Windsor drawing evidence. Moreover, upon a closer comparison, the copy after the antique (Royal Library 8799, Windsor) does not seem to provide a fully convincing basis for also attributing the Metropolitan Museum drawing to that same hand: it is of a more static, dry draftsmanship, has very crude vertical parallel hatching at left on the pedestal, and there are no tonal nuances with light hatching as in the Windsor drawing to define the anatomy of the Cupid. What is indisputable is that this drawing is part of the enterprise of copies after the antique done for Cassiano dal Pozzo. Dodero rightly adds the following important information about this provenance: The Metropolitan Museum drawing has the typical "Type A" of Cassiano dal Pozzo's mounts, documenting with certainty it came from his collection. All the "Type A" mounts date to before 1640. A watermark is present on the right side of the drawing's Cassiano dal Pozzo, representing a Keeling Man in a Shield (33 x 67 mm, close to Woodward no. 26, n.d.). Another drawing copying an Etruscan bronze finial representing two warriors also emanates from Cassiano dal Pozzo's Museo Cartaceo and is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1998.327).

(Carmen C. Bambach; July 5, 2014)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。