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品名(英)Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: The Tiber
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Nicolas Beatrizet【1515 至 1566】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1530 - 公元 1571
尺寸mount: 13 3/16 x 21 5/8 英寸 (33.5 x 55 厘米) 页: 21 x 26 15/16 英寸 (53.4 x 68.5 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅印刷品来自博物馆的Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae(罗马壮丽的镜子)的副本,The Speculum起源于Antonio Salamanca和Antonio Lafreri的出版工作。在他们的罗马出版生涯中,两家外国出版商 - 他们在1553年至1563年间合作 - 开始制作印刷品,记录与古董和现代罗马有关的艺术作品,建筑和城市景观。这些版画可以由游客和收藏家单独购买,但也可以成群结队地购买,这些团体通常装订在相册中。1573年,拉弗雷里为此目的委托制作了扉页,这是标题"Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae"首次出现的地方。Lafreri设想了7个不同类别的版画的理想排列,但在他的一生中,似乎从未提供过一套标准的装订版画。相反,客户从要装订的语料库中编写自己的选择,或者随着时间的推移收集一组打印件。当拉弗雷里去世时,三分之二的现有铜板归杜切蒂家族(克劳迪奥和斯特凡诺)所有,而另外三分之一则分配给几家出版商。Duchetti似乎有标准化的生产,向他们的客户提供或多或少统一的窥镜版本。然而,印刷品的受欢迎程度也激发了罗马的其他出版商制作副本,并在语料库中添加新的印刷品。

博物馆的窥镜副本作为一组 3 张带有镶嵌雕刻和蚀刻的专辑进入收藏。这些印刷品已被删除,但相册中每幅印刷品的原始位置包含在入藏号中:41.72(volume.place)。

原为第 2 卷,剪贴簿中的第 97 版。
介绍(英)This print comes from the museum’s copy of the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae (The Mirror of Roman Magnificence) The Speculum found its origin in the publishing endeavors of Antonio Salamanca and Antonio Lafreri. During their Roman publishing careers, the two foreign publishers - who worked together between 1553 and 1563 - initiated the production of prints recording art works, architecture and city views related to Antique and Modern Rome. The prints could be bought individually by tourists and collectors, but were also purchased in larger groups which were often bound together in an album. In 1573, Lafreri commissioned a title page for this purpose, which is where the title ‘Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae’ first appears. Lafreri envisioned an ideal arrangement of the prints in 7 different categories, but during his lifetime, never appears to have offered one standard, bound set of prints. Instead, clients composed their own selection from the corpus to be bound, or collected a group of prints over time. When Lafreri died, two-third of the existing copper plates went to the Duchetti family (Claudio and Stefano), while another third was distributed among several publishers. The Duchetti appear to have standardized production, offering a more or less uniform version of the Speculum to their clients. The popularity of the prints also inspired other publishers in Rome to make copies however, and to add new prints to the corpus.

The museum’s copy of the Speculum entered the collection as a group of 3 albums with inlaid engravings and etchings. The prints have since been removed, but the original place of each print within the album is contained in the accession number: 41.72(volume.place).

Originally volume 2, plate 97 in the scrapbook.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。