介绍(英) | Colorless with pale green tinge; foot, handles, and trail in same color. Broad, horizontal rim folded out, over, and in; cylindrical neck, joining imperceptibly with slender, piriform body; applied conical foot, with folded tubular edge; deep kick in bottom and pontil mark; two rod handles applied in claw pads to neck, drawn up and out, and then turned in and pressed onto lip of rim. Single fine trail applied as a pad on lower body, drawn up and wound in a spiral twenty-one times around body and neck, ending under one of the handles. Complete, but crack in neck and upper body, and some parts of trail missing; some bubbles; dulling, slight pitting, thick creamy brown weathering, and limy encrustation. Associated with the flask is a small bronze spatula, suitable for spooning the contents out of the deep flask. |