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品名(英)Spiral bead
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元前 2250 - 公元前 1750
尺寸1 1/16 × 1 × 3/16 英寸 (2.7 × 2.55 × 0.4 厘米)
介绍(中)这颗银珠由一个中心管和四个线圈组成。它是在Tepe Nush-i Jan发掘的,这是一个铁器时代的山顶遗址,距离伊朗西部的哈马丹大约60公里。Nush-i Jan在公元前7世纪和6世纪被占领,其居住者通常被认为是Medes人,一个从亚述、阿契美尼德和《圣经》中了解到的伊朗人。尽管文本来源将他们描绘成一个强大的帝国,但梅代人的考古证据尚未维持这种印象。相反,他们似乎生活在伊朗西部和中部分散的设防地点,没有任何明确的首都。Nush-i Jan是这些遗址中最著名的一个,拥有两座寺庙、一座圆柱大厅和一座发现珠子的堡垒


介绍(英)This silver bead consists of a central tube with four coils emerging from it. It was excavated at Tepe Nush-i Jan, an Iron Age hilltop site about 60 km sound of Hamadan in western Iran. Nush-i Jan was occupied in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C., and its occupants are generally thought to be the Medes, an Iranian people known from Assyrian, Achaemenid and Biblical sources. Though the textual sources portray them as a powerful empire, archaeological evidence for the Medes has yet to sustain this impression. Rather, they seem to have lived in scattered fortified sites in western and central Iran, without any clear capital. Nush-i Jan, one of the best known of these sites, features two temples, a columned hall, and a fort, where the bead was found.

The bead was discovered in a bronze bowl containing 231 pieces of silver, including jewelry, ingots and scraps. At the time coins were not yet in use in Iran, and silver bullion was the primary form of money. The form of the silver did not matter, only the weight, so any silver object, including jewelry, could potentially be used as money. To make a payment, one would weigh out a certain quantity, and to make an exact amount it was sometimes necessary to cut silver into smaller pieces, which is why the hoard includes scraps of metal. It was found below floor level, suggesting that it was hidden for safekeeping. Whether its owner did this as a long-term storage strategy or in response to an emergency is unknown.

Quadruple spiral beads are well-known in the Near East in the late third to early second millennium B.C., thousands of years earlier than the occupation of Nush-i Jan. This raises two possibilities: (1) that this bead was already an antique when it was added to this hoard, or (2) that spiral beads continued to be made for a very long period of time. Since there are other, much older objects in the hoard, the first possibility seems likeliest.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。