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品名(英)Chamber Organ
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作年份公元 1700 - 公元 1799
尺寸高: 217 厘米 (85-1/2 英寸) Top section: 95 厘米 w x 46 厘米 d x 134 厘米 high with crown Bottom section (location 8B): 104 厘米 w x 49 厘米 d x 86 厘米 高

这个室内风琴由两部分组成,波纹管位于矩形底座中,其顶部是正风琴的键盘和管道。底座的正面有一个彩绘面板,圣塞西莉亚演奏管风琴,伴随着天使演奏弦贝斯。这幅画由弗朗茨·卡斯帕尔·霍费尔签名,日期为 1758 年。

技术描述:两部分腔室风琴,由一个包含波纹管的矩形底座组成,顶部是一个两英尺的台式正风琴;波纹管包括楔形三重储液罐下方的楔形进料器,整体以一定角度安装;进料器由带子(缺失)操作,该带子拉过滚轮并通过底座右侧的孔排出。矩形风管(3 x 6 cm)从波纹管的窄端升起,穿透上方正极的木质底座,并进入托盘箱的左端。阳性案例具有半音 2 英尺的前说话管排列,高度从左到右下降;右上角的空间由一个大的布背镀金管罩填充。上面是一个水平檐口,沿两侧向后延伸;上面有一个穿孔的镀金装饰雕刻,上面有两枚徽章。键盘位于前管的底部,几乎向前延伸到底座的前部。音域:C/E-c3(短八度),45个音符。钥匙用羊皮纸铰接在后面;它们站在托盘箱上方,每个钥匙直接放在托盘上。短贴纸通过箱台向下进入凹槽,在那里它们与托盘的顶部啮合。桅杆板位于键前正下方,可通过移除涂漆面板来访问。 托盘是橡木的;有些添加了辅助弹簧,以帮助托盘弹簧保持托盘关闭。箱台和托盘箱为松木;网格框架是橡木。胸部桌子,薄库存,以通常的方式粘在网格上;没有海绵。三个橡木滑块在粘在桌子和脚趾板上的皮革上运行。脚趾板是松木的。滑块由三个锻铁滚轮移动,其铁手柄通过键盘右侧的侧门框向上突出。停靠点没有标记,但可以这样列出:4' Gedackt(45 根烟斗,木材);2' 主体(45 根管,锡);1'八度(45管,锡,顶部八度普通金属)。校长的低音用于立面;最低的两个管道向后斜接 - 没有其他斜接管道。主高音与八度站在同一个脚趾板上。Gedackt 在后方有自己的脚趾板。格达克特管道至少来自四个不同的来源;目前尚不清楚哪些是原创的。大多数都有大墨水纸币名称,厚帽,没有刻痕。其他人则有很多刻痕。2'和1'等级主要由来自一个来源的锡管组成,然而,很可能不是原始的。这些管道有三角形的上唇和圆形的下唇。他们最初有很好的切口;许多人现在也有粗糙的锉刀刻痕。锡制前管(2')开槽和滚动整齐;这些切入管道背面的槽不是从顶部开始的。音阶的不规则性,以及各种音符和停止名称,表明这些管道可能来自另一个器官。慵懒相当薄;它们采用中等角度,似乎没有孕相(配合面)。1'止音主要由上述来源的锡管组成,但顶部八度由普通金属管组成,在嘴的两侧刻有垂直线,并有一个扁平的图案,将扁平从嘴向上和向下承载相当长的距离。这些小管道可能是原始的。(劳伦斯·利宾 77 年 3 月 8 日)

介绍(英)The chamber organ is a moderately-sized piped organ. It typically has a single manual, a limited number of stops, and a limited pedalboard or no pedals at all. It is generally intended for use in small chapels, in homes, or other intimate rooms. As it is capable of long sustained tones, it is sometimes preferable to harpsichord as a continuo instrument in chamber ensembles.

This chamber organ is built in two parts with the bellows in a rectangular base on top of which sits the keyboards and pipes of a positive organ. The front of the base features a painted panel with St. Cecilia playing an organ, accompanied by an angel playing a string bass. This painting is signed by Franz Casppar Hofer with the date 1758.

Technical description: Two-part chamber organ consisting of a rectangular base containing the bellows, surmounted by a two-foot table positive organ; bellows include a wedge-shaped feeder beneath a wedge-shaped three-fold reservoir, the whole mounted at an angle; feeder operated by a strap (missing) which draws over a roller and out through a hole on the right side of the base. A rectangular wind duct (3 x 6 cm) rises from the narrow end of the bellows, penetrates the wood base of the positive above, and enters the left end of the pallet box. The positive case has a chromatic 2-foot arrangement of front speaking pipes that descend in height from left to right; the space in the upper right is filled by a large cloth-backed gilded pipe shade. Above this is a horizontal cornice which extends back along the sides; this is surmounted by a pierced, gilded ornamental carving displaying two coats of arms. The keyboard, at the base of the front pipes, extends forward almost to the front of the base. Range: C/E-c3 (short octave), 45 notes. Keys are hinged at their backs with parchment; they stand above the pallet box with each key directly over its pallet. Short stickers pass down through the chest table into grooves where they engage the tops of the pallets. The bungboard, directly below the key fronts, is accessible by removing a painted panel. Pallets are of oak; some have had helper springs added to assist the pallet springs in holding the pallets shut. Chest table and pallet box are pine; grid frame is oak. Chest table, of thin stock, is glued to the grid in the usual way; there are no sponsils. The three sliders of oak run on leather glued to the table and toeboards. Toeboards are of pine. Sliders are moved by three wrought iron rollers whose iron handles project upwards through a side jamb right of the keyboard. The stops are unlabeled but may be listed thus: 4' Gedackt (45 pipes, wood); 2' Principal (45 pipes, tin); 1' Octave (45 pipes, tin, top octave common metal). The bass of the Principal is used for the facade; the lowest two pipes are mitered over backward -- there are no other mitered pipes. The Principal treble stands on the same toeboard with the Octave. The Gedackt has its own toeboard toward the rear. The Gedackt pipes are from at least four different sources; it is not clear which are original. The most numerous have large inked note designations, thick caps, no nicking. Others have quite a lot of nicking. The 2' and 1' ranks are largely composed of tin pipes from one source, not, however, the original, in all probability. These pipes have inscribed triangular upper lips and round lower lips. They originally had fine nicking; many now also have coarse filed-in nicks. The tin front pipes (2') are neatly slotted and scrolled; these slots, cut into the backs of the pipes, do not begin at the tops. Irregularities in scaling, and an assortment of note and stop designations, indicate that these pipes may have come from another organ. Languids are reasonably thin; they employ a moderate angle and appear to have no gegenphase (counterface). The 1' stop is largely composed of tin pipes from the above-mentioned source, but the top octave is composed of common metal pipes with inscribed vertical lines at the sides of the mouths and a flattening pattern that carries the flat both upwards and downwards from the mouth for a considerable distance. These little pipes might be original. (Laurence Libin 8 Mar 77)

Lowest metal pipe sounds G, 22 cents flat of standard pitch at A-440.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。