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品名(英)Side drum
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Henry H. Prentiss【1801 至 1860】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1835 - 公元 1845
创作地区美国, 马萨诸塞州, 波士顿(United States, Massachusetts, Boston)
分类双头/锥形鼓(Membranophone-double-headed / conical drum)
尺寸18 × 17 英寸 (45.7 × 43.2 厘米)
鼓在白色的田野上有一个很大的彩绘装饰。该作品的中心有一个红色的大椭圆形,上面写着:CADET/1786。中央椭圆形的周围是一个白色的环,上面有拉丁语的格言:Monstrat Viam。上面是一颗五角星。总之,这些符号和格言将鼓归因于为马萨诸塞州波士顿的第一学员团的一名成员制作(或装饰)的。这支部队成立于1786年,有着悠久的历史。这个鼓可能是在19世纪30年代或40年代制造的,可能是为了纪念周年纪念或其他由军团纪念的重要活动而建造的。围绕着这个中央装饰画着一组军事装备,包括旗帜、大炮、戟和鼓。这种装饰在传统上以美国国旗或鹰为特征的美国鼓上相当罕见。军事装备的分组在欧洲的例子中更为常见。位于波士顿美术馆的另一个同样由普伦蒂斯创作的波士顿鼓也有类似的构图,由艺术家查尔斯·哈伯德签名
Henry Prentiss 1801年出生于马萨诸塞州罗克斯伯里,1860年在波士顿去世。他最初是一名雨伞制造商,直到1829年才被列为该行业的活跃分子。到19世纪30年代,他开始销售音乐产品,也许在19世纪40年代积极制造木管乐器和鼓。
介绍(英)The side drum was associated with the military, especially as a signal instrument for infantry troops, from at least the sixteenth century through the end of the nineteenth century. This large drum is eighteen inches in height with a seventeen inch diameter. The shell is made of a thin sheet of wood bent into a cylinder and then glued together and reinforced with brass tacks that are visible from the exterior of the drum. This example utilizes the traditional rope tensioning system, with a single length of rope running between the wood counter hoops and leather tugs used to tighten or loosen the tension on the heads. A set of gut cords are stretched across the bottom head and create a buzzing sound when the top (batter) head is hit.
The drum bears a large painted decoration on a white field. The composition has at its center a large red oval with the words: CADET / 1786. Around the central oval is a white ring with the Latin motto: Monstrat Viam. Above this sits a five pointed star. Taken together, these symbols and mottos attributed the drum as having been made (or decorated) for a member of the First Corp of Cadets in Boston, Massachusetts. That military unit was founded in 1786 and had a storied history. This drum, likely made in the 1830s or 40s, may have been built for an anniversary or other important event marked by the corps. Around this central decoration is painted an assemblage of military equipment including flags, cannon, halberds, and drums. This decoration is rather unusual on American drums, which traditionally feature an American flag or eagle. The grouping of military accoutrements is more common on European examples. Another Boston drum, also by Prentiss, located at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts has a similar composition and was signed by the artist Charles Hubbard.
Henry Prentiss was born Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1801 and died in Boston in 1860. He worked first as an umbrella maker, listed as active in that business as late as 1829. By the 1830s he was selling musical items and perhaps building woodwind instruments and drums actively throuh the 1840s.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。