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品名(英)Terracotta fragments of a neck-amphora (jar)
入馆年号2011年,2011.604.3.206a, b
策展部门希腊和罗马艺术Greek and Roman Art
创作年份公元前 650 - 公元前 400
尺寸.a: 6 1/2 × 40 英寸 (16.5 × 101.6 厘米) .b: 4 1/16 × 4 9/16 英寸 (10.3 × 11.5 厘米)
介绍(英)At the shoulder, a band of palmettes and tendrils; on the body, head of a filleted woman to right holding a wreath in her left hand, facing a symposiast who is reclining on a kline with cushions; in front the kline, a small table with food and a cup; above the wreath the woman is holding, fillets; behind the head of the symposiast, a wreath; on the floor, behind the kline, the tail of a dog to left; wreathed komast to right with his arms bent and his right arm raised, and his left leg bent; in the field, a fillet; head of a draped woman to left with krotala; wreathed lyre player to right holding the lyre in his left hand and the plektron in his right; in the field, a fillet; draped woman to left, wearing a patterned garment with her right arm bent behind her head, holding krotala; part of a kline and drapery of a symposiast; tail of a dog lying underneath the kline; below the figures, three black glaze lines, a band of upright lotuses; three black glaze lines; and a band of rays; on the second fragment, bent left arm, lower back, buttocks, and legs of a male to left standing in front a psykter inside of a calyx-krater, holding a ladle in his left hand; bent right arm and lower body of a woman to right, wearing a patterned garment; part of a kline and a draped symposiast wearing a patterned himation; in front of the kline, a table with meat hanging from it; below the kline, a crouching dog to right; below the figures, three black glaze lines, a band of upright lotuses; three black glaze lines; and a band of rays
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。