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品名(英)Crouching Venus
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Giambologna【1529 至 1608】【荷兰人】
创作年份公元 1600 - 公元 1699
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 9 7/8 × 4 1/4 × 5 3/8 英寸 (25.1 × 10.8 × 13.7 厘米)
介绍(中)我们的小雕像描绘了一个蹲着的女人在洗澡后擦干身体,再现了詹布洛涅(Giambologna)的一项著名发明(毫无疑问,她知道Doidalses Venus的经典类型)。与米尔斯1924年遗赠的其他几件青铜器一起,它进入了大都会博物馆,并归属于大师本人。这件作品体现在一尊青铜小雕像中,这尊小雕像长期以来一直受到詹布洛涅专业文献的青睐,现在被收藏在巴杰罗。[1] 这件青铜因其臂章上刻着首字母"I.B.F."而引人注目,正如Dimitrios Zikos所提议的那样,这可能代表"Iohannes Bologna Fecit"。[2] 巴杰罗青铜与红衣主教费迪南多·德·美第奇最早的库存中提到的一尊小雕像有关(没有确切的文件)。1584年4月7日,它记录了一个由"Gio.Bologna……膝盖着地,一只手放在头上,另一只手在左胸,脚下夹着一块布"创作的女性形象,并注意到它最近被添加到罗马美第奇别墅的高级教士花园中。[3] 1609年,洛伦佐·萨尔维亚蒂(Lorenzo Salviati)的遗产清单中列出了另一尊"跪着的女人的青铜雕像",可能指的是同一模型,尤其是詹布洛涅(Giambologna)的雕像,其高度为"braccia 0/3[19.3厘米]"。"[4]

巴杰罗石膏上的签名以及该作品在著名的罗马收藏中的存在等证据证明了这件詹博洛涅式pensiero的受欢迎程度,因其"古典"主题和令人愉悦的正式设计而备受赞赏。Mills Venus属于詹布洛涅发明的大量青铜器,一直生产到19世纪。奇怪的是,我们的小雕像缺少了左手小指,这是亨廷顿舞蹈症中相同构图的版本所共有的异常现象(图120a);巴斯霍尔本博物馆;以及罗伯特·H·史密斯收藏。关于史密斯青铜,人们认为断裂发生在原始蜡模中。[5] 亨廷顿小雕像被一些人认为是詹布洛涅的亲笔签名作品,与巴杰罗青铜直接相关。[6] 史密斯和霍尔本的演员阵容都归功于安东尼奥·苏西尼,他是詹布洛涅的长期合作者,以这位佛兰德大师的原始模型命名。[7] 这本词干汇编可能指向一个由权威原型直接铸造的特定系列,可能是缺少第五个数字的签名(可能是以迷人的姿势举起的),尽管还无法确定其出处

亨廷顿青铜、霍尔本青铜和史密斯青铜有一个与人物整体铸造的厚圆形底座。巴杰罗青铜和詹布洛涅的其他签名作品中也发现了相同类型的底座,如《乌拉尼亚维纳斯》(第00页,图126a)。在这方面,我们的金星是一个异类:它更薄、更粗略地建模的底座与脚下复杂的窗帘形成了鲜明的对比,形成了一种不那么精确的排列和完全不足的功能。这与仅仅通过的冷加工质量相结合(例如,左手笨拙地收紧颈背处的头巾,沿着背部的窗帘),使米尔斯金星在这里讨论的复制品序列中按时间顺序处于"下游"。就归因而言,这些因素也将其置于詹布洛涅的直接圈子之外。另一方面,青铜质地柔软,并使用蜡来蜡接,铸造与巴杰罗和亨廷顿小雕像(Shelley Sturman揭示了它们的技术特征)的铸造如出一辙。[8] 理查德·斯通(Richard Stone)指出,在我们的金星上存在着许多不同尺寸的圆柱形塞子,这可能会将生产时间推到17世纪。[9]

。巴杰罗,62 B;Desjardins 1883,第134-35页
2.Paolozzi Strozzi和Zikos 2006,第199–200页,目录。18.
5。Radcliffe和Penny 2004,第190页
7.Manfred Leithe Jasper和Anthony Radcliffe在C.Avery等人1978年,第102页,猫。20; 拉德克利夫在《C.Avery and Radcliffe 1978》中,第75页,猫。20.
8。斯特曼,2001年,第126–27页。Richard Stone提出,在我们的金星上使用锥形驱动塞,而不是更典型的螺纹塞,表明铸造可以追溯到16世纪。R.Stone/TR,2011年2月23日。
介绍(英)Our statuette, which depicts a crouching woman drying herself after a bath, reproduces a celebrated invention by Giambologna (who was no doubt aware of the classical typology of the Doidalses Venus). Along with several other bronzes in the Mills bequest of 1924, it entered The Met with an attribution to the master himself. The composition is embodied in a bronze statuette long favored in the specialist literature on Giambologna and now in the Bargello.[1] This bronze is notable for the initials “I.B.F.” inscribed on the figure’s armband that might stand for “Iohannes Bologna Fecit,” as Dimitrios Zikos has proposed.[2] The Bargello bronze has been linked (without definitive documentation) to a statuette mentioned in the earliest inventory of Cardinal Ferdinando de’ Medici. Dated April 7, 1584, it records a female figure by “Gio. Bologna . . . with her knee on the ground, a hand at her head, and the other [hand] on her left breast with a cloth under her feet,” and notes its recent addition to the prelate’s garderobe in the Villa Medici, Rome.[3] Another “bronze statuette of a kneeling woman” that may refer to the same model is listed in the estate inventory of Lorenzo Salviati in 1609, notably as by Giambologna, with a height of “braccia 0/3 [19.3 cm].”[4]

Evidence such as the signature on the Bargello cast and the composition’s presence in a prestigious Roman collection attests to the popularity of this Giambolognesque pensiero, appreciated for its “classical” theme and pleasing formal design. The Mills Venus belongs to the considerable corpus of bronzes derived from Giambologna’s invention and produced well into the nineteenth century. Curiously, our statuette is missing the left pinkie finger, an anomaly shared with versions of the same composition in the Huntington (fig. 120a); the Holburne Museum, Bath; and the Robert H. Smith collection. With regard to the Smith bronze, it is thought that the break occurred in the original wax model.[5] The Huntington statuette has been considered by some to be an autograph work by Giambologna directly related to the Bargello bronze.[6] Both the Smith and Holburne casts are attributed to Antonio Susini, longtime collaborator of Giambologna, after the original model by the Flemish master.[7] This stemma codicum could point to a specific series directly cast from an authoritative archetype—perhaps autograph—missing the fifth digit (presumably raised in a charming gesture), though it has not been possible to identify its provenance.

The Huntington, Holburne, and Smith bronzes have a thick, circular base integrally cast with the figure. The same type of base is found in the Bargello bronze and other signed works by Giambologna like the Venus Urania (p. 00, fig. 126a). In this respect, our Venus is an outlier: its thinner, more roughly modeled base contrasts poorly with the complex play of drapery at the feet, forming instead a less precise arrangement and an altogether inadequate functionality. This combined with the merely passing quality of cold work (e.g., in the left hand awkwardly tightening the turban at the nape of the neck, in the drapery along the back) situates the Mills Venus “downstream” chronologically in the sequence of replicas discussed here. In terms of attribution, these factors also place it outside of Giambologna’s immediate circle. On the other hand, in the supple fleshiness of the bronze and the use of wax-to-wax joins, the casting is faithful to that of the Bargello and Huntington statuettes (whose technical characteristics were brought to light by Shelley Sturman).[8] The presence of numerous cylindrical plugs of various sizes in our Venus—noted by Richard Stone—likely pushes the production time frame into the seventeenth century.[9]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Bargello, 62 B; Desjardins 1883, pp. 134–35.
2. Paolozzi Strozzi and Zikos 2006, pp. 199–200, cat. 18.
3. “da m. Gio. Bologna . . . che sta con un Ginocchio in terra una mano alla testa e l’altra alla poppa manca con un panno sotto piè.” Cited in ibid., p. 199.
4. “femminina di bronzo che sta ginocchioni.” Cited in ibid.
5. Radcliffe and Penny 2004, p. 190.
6. Wark 1959, p. 63.
7. Manfred Leithe-Jasper and Anthony Radcliffe in C. Avery et al. 1978, p. 102, cat. 20; Radcliffe in C. Avery and Radcliffe 1978, p. 75, cat. 20.
8. Sturman 2001, pp. 126–27. Richard Stone has suggested that the use of tapered, driven plugs, instead of the more typical threaded ones, in our Venus indicates that the cast dates to the sixteenth century. R. Stone/TR, February 23, 2011.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。