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品名(英)Pipe Organ
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Richard M. Ferris【1818 至 1858】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1840 - 公元 1860
创作地区美国, 纽约, 纽约(United States, New York, New York)
尺寸高 8 ft. 8 英寸 (264.2 厘米); 宽 58 英寸 (147.3 厘米) Bottom section: 119 厘米 (D); 97 厘米 (H); 142 厘米 (W) Pipe Trays with smaller pipes are on 8 B: 60 厘米 H; 122 厘米 W; 61 厘米 深


理查德·费里斯(Richard Ferris)于1818年出生于纽约市,12岁时开始在建筑商Hall&Erben当学徒。1840年,他建立了自己的工作室,最初位于曼哈顿的富尔顿街。1857年,他与同父异母的兄弟L. U. Stuart合伙,公司更名为Richard Ferris & Co. Ferris于1858年去世,业务以他兄弟的名义继续经营。(传记信息来自The Tracker,Newsletter of the Organ Historical Society,冬季,1968年)

技术描述:紫檐木表壳,檐口顶部雕刻装饰品,正面框架布面板两侧是平面,两个3个带有雕刻色调的假管,单个C-c4象牙和乌木手册,带有素木正面,两侧是3个塞子旋钮,每侧控制4个等级(规格在单独的卡片上),钥匙桌被弯曲的落板包围,提供音乐支持, 键床由侧面的弧形支架支撑,左下角抽屉中的 13 音符踏板,通过下拉连接到手动的下八度,所有管道都由膨胀踏板控制,风由单独的踏板或右侧的手动杠杆提供,键盘上方插槽中的风指示器,键盘居中的银色名牌。(劳伦斯·利宾,1987)
介绍(英)The chamber organ is a moderately-sized piped organ. It typically has a single manual, a limited number of stops, and a limited pedalboard or no pedals at all. It is generally intended for use in small chapels, in homes, or other intimate rooms. As it is capable of long sustained tones, it is sometimes preferable to harpsichord as a continuo instrument in chamber ensembles.

Such instruments might also be used in small churches, like those found in small towns and villages throughouth the United States in the nineteenth century. Chamber organs were largely usurped by reed organs after the middle of the century.

Richard Ferris was born in New York City in 1818 and began an apprenticeship at the age of 12 with the builder Hall & Erben. In 1840, he established his own workshop, first located on Fulton Street in Manhattan. In 1857, he went into partnership with his half-brother L. U. Stuart and the firm became Richard Ferris & Co. Ferris died in 1858 and the business continued under his brother's name. (Biographical information from The Tracker, Newsletter of the Organ Historical Society, Winter, 1968)

Technical description: Rosewood case with cornice surmounted by carved ornaments, frontal framed cloth panel flanked by flats both of 3 dummy pipes with carved shades, single C-c4 ivory and ebony manual with plainwood fronts, flanked by 3 stopknobs on each side controlling 4 ranks (specification on separate card), key desk enclosed by curved fallboard holding music support, keybed supported by curved brackets flanking access panels, 13-note pedalboard in drawer at bottom left, coupled to bottom octave of manual by pulldowns, all pipes under expression controlled by swell pedal, wind supplied by separate pedal or by hand lever at right side, wind indicator in slot over keyboard, silver name plaque centered over keyboard. (Laurence Libin, 1987)
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。