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品名(英)Pedal Harp
策展部门乐器Musical Instruments
创作者Lyon & Healy【美国人】
创作年份公元 1891 - 公元 1895
创作地区美国, 伊利诺伊州, 芝加哥(United States, Illinois, Chicago)
尺寸高: 70 1/16 英寸 (178 厘米) Depth: 37 英寸 (94 厘米)

踏板可以设置在三个位置,相关的双动通过双叉圆盘机构将琴弦的基本音高提高一步或两步半。如果踏板位于顶部位置,则不会发生机械动作,并且每个八度音阶的七根琴弦发出降C大调音阶。按下第二个位置(踏板可以固定在一个横向凹槽中),如果所有踏板都被按下,该机构会将音高提高半步,从而产生C大调音阶。将踏板踩到底部(第三个位置),磅秤切换到C形竖琴主。左脚的踏板为音符D、C和B服务,右脚为音符E、F、G和A服务。这样,双动竖琴具有惊人的演奏技术可能性,优于单动竖琴、钩形竖琴和双或三弦半音竖琴。François Adrien Boiledieu、Camille Saint Saens等作曲家,尤其是Claude Debussy,以及Richard Wagner和Peter Tchaikovsky,都为扩大双动竖琴的技术可能性做出了很大贡献

里昂&;希利于1864年以出版商的身份开始经商;1885年,该公司增加了各种乐器的制造,并于1889年开始制造竖琴。在几十年内,里昂&;希利发展成为美国最好的竖琴制造商之一,并取代了同样在芝加哥制造竖琴的鲁道夫·乌尔利策公司。里昂&;希利凭借其卓越的音乐品质和卓越的竖琴工艺在全球范围内取得了成功。然而,所有的基本技术创新早在很久以前就已经发展起来了:塞巴斯蒂安·埃拉德(1794)的叉形圆盘机构和查尔斯·格罗尔(Charles Groll/S)的踏板双动。埃拉德(1807/10)。用于操作声音主体后部的膨胀快门的八踏板是由让·巴斯特·克鲁姆霍尔茨(1742-1790)发明的,1786年由让·亨利·纳德曼首次建造。正是精湛的工艺和优美的音质使Lyon&;希利对它的巨大成功表示祝贺。
介绍(英)The harp is the firm's model 23, which was introduced in 1895 and was produced in this style by about 1913. It is one of the earliest items made of this model and the 115th harp the company had built since 1889. It is a semi-grand harp with seven double action pedals and an eights pedal to control a swell at the back of the soundboard to manipulate the volume. The harp has forty-five strings for a compass from CC to e"" (second position). Later the company resumed the production of model 23 with forty-seven strings and different decoration.

The pedals can be set in three positions and the associated double action raises the basic pitch of a string by one or by two half steps by means of a twin forked disk mechanism. If the pedals rest in the top position, no mechanical action takes place and the seven strings per octave deliver the scale C-flat major. Pressed to the second position (the pedal can be arrested in a lateral notch), the mechanism raises the pitch by a half step, resulting in the scale C major, if all pedals are pressed. Pressing the pedals to the bottom (third position), the scale switches to C-sharp major. The pedals for the left foot serve the notes D, C, and B, the right foot the notes E, F, G, and A. This way, the double action harp has astounding playing technical possibilities superior to those of the single action harp, the hook harp, and the chromatic harps with double or triple stringing. Composers like François-Adrien Boildieu, Camille Saint-Saens, and in particular Claude Debussy, but also Richard Wagner and Peter Tchaikovsky have much contributed to expand the technical possibilities of the double action harp.

Lyon & Healy went into business in 1864 as publisher; in 1885, the company added the manufacturing of all kinds of musical instruments, and in 1889 it began building harps. Within a few decades, Lyon & Healy evolved into one of the best harp makers in America and displaced the company Rudolph Wurlitzer, which built harps between 1909 and 1936, also in Chicago. Lyon & Healy became globally successful as a result of the fine musical qualities and the outstanding workmanship of its harps. However, all basic technical innovations were developed long before: the forked disk mechanism by Sebastian Erard (1794) and the double action of the pedals by Charles Groll/S. Erard (1807/10). The eights pedal for operating a swell shutter at the back of the sound body was invented by Jean-Baptist Krumpholz (1742–1790) and first built in 1786 by Jean Henri Naderman. It was the finer points of workmanship and beauty of sound that led Lyon & Healy to its great success.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。